I want to get it right - every time | |
They're out to get me for sure | |
I just know it's all gonna fall apart | |
Sooner or later they'll all leave me | |
They make me feel like my opinions don't matter | |
They must think I'm a complete failure | |
Because of them - I have no control over my life | |
I can't seem to do anything right | |
They keep those opportunities out of my reach | |
I'm crazy - I always put others before myself | |
If it's not right then it's not good enough | |
They'll always put me down - it's what they do | |
I could easily be the victim of a random attack | |
I feel like I'm always the one who cares more in relationships | |
They're always looking for reasons to undermine my feelings | |
I'm such a burden they'd be better off without me | |
They're always pulling the strings | |
No matter how hard I try I'll never be successful | |
They never think about what I want | |
They expect me to sacrifice my own needs for theirs | |
I need to be much smarter - I really do | |
I know they'll blame me for the slightest mistake | |
My health could take a bad turn at any time | |
I can't help feeling that when I need them the most - they won't be there | |
They say they support me but they constantly undermine me | |
I'm sure they see me as weak and pathetic | |
I'm the one creeping around on eggshells to keep the peace around here | |
Failure - that's all I think about | |
I still don't get the recognition or rewards I deserve | |
No matter how much I give it's never enough they always need more | |
I must get it right at all cost | |
They're using me for their own benefit | |
Too many scary things can go wrong | |
I can't really be open - they'll let me down | |
They treat me like my emotions are a burden | |
They judge me - they think less of me | |
They just want to control me | |
Yes - I know I'm afraid of taking risks because I'll fail | |
How come I miss out while they move forward | |
I'm constantly sacrificing my time and energy for them | |
Everything has to be in its place or else there is chaos | |
I never know when they'll lash out at me | |
You'll see it will be a disaster | |
I just know it - they'll dump me | |
They never take me seriously | |
Compared to others I just don't come up to scratch | |
They always find ways to manipulate me into doing what they want | |
I'll make it all the way to the top then I'll blow it | |
They treat me as an afterthought | |
They guilt-trip me into doing things for them | |
Failing is not an option for me | |
They deliberately manipulate me | |
I just reckon it has to be cancer | |
I don't deserve love or support | |
They just dismiss me or brush me off | |
Those past mistakes are like a stain that can't be removed | |
I feel suffocated and powerless in this relationship | |
It's weird feeling like a failure all the time for no good reason | |
It's not fair I've never had those opportunities | |
I can't say no - they'll label me as selfish | |
I'll never live up to my own expectations | |
They're just setting me up to hurt me | |
I can feel it - something terrible is going to happen | |
I feel like I'm a burden to everyone | |
It's like they don't believe a word I say | |
I can't show my true self | |
They have control so I have to keep quiet | |
I'll never be able to do what they did - it's beyond me | |
They have more I have less that's the way it is | |
I resent how much I sacrifice for them | |
I don't come up to scratch - I'm not good enough | |
They've convinced me that I'm worthless without them | |
It's like everything I do leads to disaster | |
They're secretly talking about me and planning to end the relationship | |
They're making me doubt myself | |
I'm an impostor in my own life | |
They have found my weakness and now I'm powerless | |
I'm just not good enough to get there in the end | |
They're always withholding information from me | |
My own needs and dreams are pushed aside yet again | |
They seem so perfect - not like me | |
They deliberately belittle me - to hurt me | |
It's a feeling of impending doom | |
I just don't want to be alone | |
I know they'll just shut me down | |
They'd reject me if they knew the real me | |
They're constantly trying to mould me into who they want me to be | |
I'm sure they're waiting for me to stuff up | |
I've never experienced true connection | |
Even when I'm struggling - they still load me up with stuff to do | |
What is wrong with me | |
They're messing with my mind | |
If I catch a plane this will be the one that crashes | |
Even though they say we're solid - I don't believe it | |
It's exhausting - they just belittle my experiences all the time | |
If only I could just disappear or be invisible | |
I can't escape their influence | |
I'm facing disappointment if I chase my dreams | |
I struggle while they thrive | |
What do I do - be happy or do the right thing | |